The Expansion Process

12 week coaching container to fully embody your wider vision and unlock your most expansive, soul-led life and career.

This high touch, transformative offer is for the individual who is fully committed and ready to say a full-bodied YES to the life they are meant to live:

  • Confident, motivated, and clear on the big visions for your life and know you are 100% capable of achieving them 

  • Deeper connection to purpose, self worth, intuition, and fulfillment 

  • Fully living in your worth and life on your terms - shedding the “shoulds” and instead, embracing yourself completely

  • Free from that hamster-wheel feeling of “what's next” and instead, lit up by your life and content in the now 

  • Releases negative self talk, perfectionism, and people pleasing and instead stands tall in your worth and sense of self

Together, we will:

  • Get clear on the wider vision for your life – self worth, career clarity, relationships, aligned entrepreneurship and anything else you want to unlock in your life  

  • Uncover limiting beliefs and stuck emotions holding you back from your most confident self and shift your mindset to align with your most worthy self 

  • Reprogram your subconscious and create new neural pathways to make aligned action easier and change your life from the inside out 

  • Create a clear action plan to help you take consistent steps towards your vision and goals 

  • Garner a deeper connection with yourself and your soul 

  • Increase your self awareness, self acceptance and self love 

Get ready for:

  • 12 private coaching calls - held weekly for 60 minutes on Zoom 

    • All sessions are aligned with the vision you are creating in your life and your growth and completely customized for you! 

  • Unlimited voice note and email support 5 days a week to offer support in-between sessions and ensure you are staying on track

  • Personalized hypnosis meditation to shift + expand your subconscious to align with your wider vision 

  • Opportunities for either holistic life coaching or business mentorship based on your needs

  • Customized sessions with mindset shifting and somatic techniques - transformational life coaching, EFT, Hypnosis, NLP, breathwork, and guided meditation to create big inner change 

  • Vision setting + personalized aligned action plan 

  • Custom workbooks + journaling prompts for inner reflection

The Investment

When we invest in ourselves, incredible shifts start to happen in our lives. Make time for your future-self.


Pay in Full Discount
$2664 $2500


3 Payments of $888

What my clients are saying

  • “My sessions with Megan were helpful as I have felt a bit stuck in my career and life in general. It was eye opening to have honest and raw discussions about how I am feeling and where I want to go and be. Her coaching helped me appreciate what I have and where I am now, while still being excited about what's to come."

    — Senior manager, spring health

  • “I start my week on Monday morning with Megan. For me, it has been a huge release for me. We walk through everything, signal what can change, discuss how to go about it and understand that nothing happens overnight. Megan has become the coach I didn't know I need. She listens, questions and then provides feedback in the best of ways. Having someone on your team is vital, and I am so thankful that Megan has become not only a cheerleader but an encourager as well. I love working with her and I don't see an end in sight!"

    — founder/ entrepreneur

  • “Megan created a supportive container for me to dream up what a more aligned career path and purpose could look like. It was such a gift to have my thoughts reflected back to me with her own fresh perspective! I left with clear takeaways for keeping the momentum going with inspired action steps."

    — L.G.